Wednesday 22 October 2014

Review: Oedipus and Antigone

Cred: Johannes Hjorth

I recently had the opportunity to review the Cambridge University Amateur Dramatic Club's performance of Oedipus and Antigone for The Cambridge Student.

You can read the article here!

Sunday 19 October 2014

The Book Cover Debate

Last week I was asked to argue 'against' the importance of book covers for an article in The Cambridge Student. This seemed to be a difficult task at first, as I actually quite enjoy purchasing books with pretty covers, and collect series that are especially beautiful (e.g. Penguin Clothbound Classics) - yet I found that there were some convincing points on both sides.

Here is the full article, with my 'against' unfairly outnumbered by 'fors'.

And here is an article about the controversial Roald Dahl book cover that started this whole debate.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Review: Much Ado About Nothing at the ADC

I recently had the opportunity to review the Cambridge American Stage Tour's performance of Much Ado About Nothing for The Cambridge Student.

You can read the article here!